Set your API_TOKEN in the
Some endpoints:
/api/cards/ arguments: with_quantity=true, with_dilicom=true
Results are cached for 20 hours, including when with_dilicom is set to true.
/api/datasource/search/?query=9782372090674 where query can also be free text.
Depending on the query type, search will be done on a different data source: if it’s an ISBN and a pro vendor is configured, ask it. If it is free text and a pro vendor that supports free search is configured (Electre, not Dilicom), use it. Otherwise, use the default data source (web scraper).
Results are cached.
Here’s an example payload the website client must send to Abelujo to initiate a reservation/command.
abelujo_items contains references to books already in the database. search_items come from a wider catalogue search (Electre), books are not in the DB and must be fetched before.:
"buyer": {
"billing_address": {
"last_name": "Test",
"first_name": "Lucas",
"email": "",
"address": "6 impasse du code",
"address_comp": "sd",
"city": "Code Land",
"postcode": "30000",
"country": "France",
"phone": "0600000000"
"delivery_address": {
"last_name": "Test",
"first_name": "Lucas",
"email": "",
"address": "6 impasse du code",
"address_comp": "",
"city": "Code Land",
"postcode": "30000",
"country": "France",
"phone": "0600000000"
"order": {
"online_payment": false,
"shipping_method": "Retrait local",
"mondial_relay_AP": "",
"amount": 15.3,
"abelujo_items": [
"id": 1974,
"quantity": 1
"search_items": [
"isbn": "9782742720682",
"price": 9.2,
"publisher": "Actes sud",
"quantity": 1
"stripe_payload": {
"payment_method_types": [
"line_items": [
"price_data": {
"currency": "eur",
"product_data": {
"name": "Antigone"
"unit_amount": 610
"quantity": 1
"price_data": {
"currency": "eur",
"product_data": {
"name": "Antigone"
"unit_amount": 919.9999999999999
"quantity": 1
"mode": "payment",
"customer_email": "",
"success_url": "http://localhost:8081/url-modale-ok",
"cancel_url": "http://localhost:8081/url-modale-erreur"
"used_promo_code": ""
See the file ``payload-stripe-api.json`` in this documentation directory and the unit tests.
First, handle the first request by the client website::
url(r'^api/checkout/?', 'search.api_stripe.api_stripe', name='api_stripe_checkout'),
The JSON payload is in the request body.
Then, handle the validation sent by Stripe:
url(r'^api/webhooks/?', 'search.api_stripe.api_stripe_hooks', name='api_stripe_hooks'),
If you save the payload into a .json file, you can send it in a POST request body with httpie:
http POST :8000/api/checkout < payload-stripe-api.json